
RASF Consulting is Harrison Reece, joined and supported by an alliance of independent professionals dedicated to creative, strategic IT solutions for real-world challenges.

Harrison is Principal Consultant and Project Manager, as well as founder of RASF. He brings to bear significant experience in IT infrastructure planning, management, and troubleshooting (Windows environments), as well as Web design & development projects. He has served for the past several years as IT Project Manager and Strategist on business-critical enterprise information systems initiatives, infrastructure upgrades, Active Directory planning & management, and web development for commerce. Harrison has worked closely with private software developers, professional services practices, resellers, enterpise, manufacturers and distributors… ranging from SMB clients to Fortune Global 500 corporations.

Harrison draws on an array of supporting talent including young, energetic, and creative professionals, as well as seasoned advisors in technology and business.


RASF began in south Florida in 1989 as a consulting resource to Insurance industry Underwriters and Technology Officers. In the early 90’s, Harrison Reece (founder of RASF) formed a consortium to develop solutions for an industry which desparately needed a means of transmitting real-time images from remote locations, across limited bandwidth.This, in a time before the advent of digital cameras and Broadband, was no light endeavor. As a young innovator and aspiring technology integrator, Harrison assembled a partnership of talented and creative developers equal to the task. Solutions were engineered and the emergence of an alliance of professionals, some young and eager, some seasoned and sage, gave way to the idea that independent professionals could, and should, band together for the purpose of tackling real-world challenges in business and industry. Since that time RASF has practiced as a resource for strategy, function, and implementation of solutions in networking, web development, and integration of emerging technologies.

RASF moved it’s headquarters from the Tampa Bay area to Atlanta in 1996.




The true leader serves. Serves people. Serves their best interests, and in so doing will not always be popular, may not always impress. But because true leaders are motivated by loving concern rather than a desire for personal glory, they are willing to pay the price.

Eugene B. Habecker

In a world full of managers, yet starved for leadership, the mandate is to always think, act, manage, and teach as a leader… to be constantly and consciously aware that each conversation, presentation, problem, or confrontation is an opportunity to provide strong leadership; to foster leadership among peers and subordinates by recognition and support of their individual and particular strengths.

True leaders consistently develop and promote other leaders from the resources at their disposal.


I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am.

Rich Mullins

The manner in which I make decisions is guided and shaped by a pre-suppositional value set, which in turn, determines how I operate and interact on a daily basis… a predefined set of guidelines which provides me with the structure and the opportunity to excel.

What I believe is derived from what I know to be true. I know that certain immutable truths exist and that these truths have implications for the entire scope of my life – in business and in personal endeavors. God has endowed me with the freedom to make my own choices… and receive the consequences accordingly. I am not an automaton. Therefore I believe that if I chose to base my core principles and practices upon a foundational understanding of truth, I promote an environment of integrity and creativity in which to learn and grow. I believe that if I am faithful to maintain this core I will continue to grow and succeed.

Harrison Reece


Regardless of skill sets and certifications, personality type can be crucially determinate of any individual’s ability to thrive and be productive in a given environment.

The following is excerpted from “Please Understand Me II” by David Keirsey:

There are two sides to personality: One is temperament and the other is character. Temperament is a set of inclinations we are born with, while character is a set of habits we acquire as we grow and mature. Character is disposition, developed over a lifetime; temperament is predisposition, hardwired in from birth. Thus, for example, those of the Artisan temperament are predisposed - born - to impulsive action, those of the Guardian temperament to responsible service, those of the Idealist temperament to personal development, and those of the Rational temperament to objective analysis.

Harrison Reece’s type is “Rational”, subtype is “Architect”. See descriptions of these, and other temperament types here.


Teams for each project are carefully assembled by Harrison Reece according to the individual requirements of the project. Technical teams comprised of engineers, programmers, and support staff are always directed by Harrison. Click the buttons below to review Harrison’s resumé and qualifications.

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Gracious acknowledgement and gratitude to the brilliant Primary Advisory Affiliates who provide input, knowledge base, and invaluable mentoring on RASF projects:


Over the years Harrison has developed a long list of clients ranging from SMB to Fortune Global 100 corporations… and projects such as infrastructure upgrades, platform migration, network planning/procurement, and IT management consulting. His experience spans many industries including private and public enterprise, private software developers, professional services practices, manufacturers, resellers, and distributors.

For a list of profiles detailing who clients were and what comprised RASF’s role in the project(s), contact RASF directly via email at info [at] rasfconsulting [dot] com.


RASF is based in Atlanta, Georgia USA